Media: Videos

Bowlegged Lou - What can YOU do with $50?

What can you do with $50? Legendary rapper and singer Lucien “Bowlegged Lou” George took to the streets of Berkeley to find out! In our new video, Lou interviewed people going about their daily routine, asking what they could do if they had a crisp $50 burning a hole in their wallets. Some said shopping for clothes; others said buying music online. All of them were shocked to learn that they could restore someone’s sight with as little as $50, and thus transform that person’s life forever.

For Bowlegged Lou, visual impairment is an issue close to his heart. In 2012, he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a congenital condition that gradually damages the retina and eventually leads to blindness. He kept silent about his diagnosis for years, until he realized he was not alone - thousands of people have RP in the United States alone. For this reason, Lou founded Hope With A Vizion, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping visually impaired people find the resources and assistance that they need.

Bowlegged Lou made this video to raise awareness of Seva and international humanitarian vision care efforts. It already has reached more than 330,000 people on facebook. Check out the video today, share it with your friends, family, and social media contacts, and help raise awareness yourself.

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