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TOMS Stories - Dr. Salma

Seva Foundation has been working with TOMS as a Sight Giving Partner since 2011, together providing over 500,000 people with critical eye care services.

TOMS Eyewear purchases provide a person in need with a full eye exam by trained medical professionals. Each patient then receives the treatment he or she requires to see clearly again.

Together we focus on service delivery, quality, equity, working with local providers, and doing no harm to the existing ecosystem of eye health programs.

Through many of our program partners, Seva and TOMS continue to grow the number of people we reach. TOMS support goes toward medical treatments, eyeglasses, and sight-restoring surgeries. Support for direct care services have allowed more people to access eye care by making it affordable.

Since 2011, this important partnership has provided over 500,000 people with critical eye care services.

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