Spirit of Service

Letter from the Executive Director

Science, data, and comprehensive public health solutions work best when coupled with compassion, community, and a little fun. Want to put a stat on this theory? Since 1978, over 50 million people have received eye care services through your support!

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Story of Bhoora Kol


Your support, through the power of sight, brings joy, independence, and freedom to communities worldwide. Bhoora Kol, a 61-year-old lively and jovial man from Madhya Pradesh, India, knows this well. He works diligently as a daily wage laborer on nearby farms, earning less than two dollars a day with just 15 days of employment per month. He lives with his wife in a mud hut, and his four sons and ten grandchildren live nearby in the same village.

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"Bubblicious" – an enduring masterpiece to create lasting change!


Art is transformative – it enables us to see the world through a new lens and make a difference through it.

William Wolk, a talented artist, soul, and friend of Seva, knew this firsthand. His realistic portraits of former U.S. Presidents, the Dalai Lama, and Paramahansa Yogananda, among others, can be found in archives, museums, and private collections around the world. Sadly, in May, Wolk passed away after an enduring and brave battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife Marie.

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Brighter Guatemala Today, The World Tomorrow!


A First-of-Its-Kind Plan to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness in Guatemala

Globally, 1.1 billion people live with vision impairment. In remote communities and developing countries, where access to eye care is limited, this can lead to generations of hardship. Today, we stand at an important moment in history – the beginning of the end of avoidable blindness, first in Guatemala, then across the world.

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Sporting Sight Every Day! – Kimm Parker


Kimm Parker wanted to create a lasting imprint in the lives of others – and she knew she could do that through Seva and restoring sight.

After receiving her graduate degree in social work, this Southern California native spent her career in community work, clinics, and eventually her own practice. "I like the idea that if you give $50, someone in Nepal who needs eye surgery can get it. This direct exchange was like magic to me," she shared.

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Preserve sight for years to come – without paying a single cent today!


"Like many folks, I first learned about Seva back in the late 80s through Ram Dass. I was looking for a service organization whose work expressed my understanding of the Buddhist concept of Right Action. I appreciated the variety of projects and range of people that Seva benefited. I found the gift-giving of donations a wonderful way to spread its work among my family and friends, especially as several struggled with vision problems themselves, and I knew they would relate to the difference it was making in many people's lives! Since my partner died a few months ago, leaving no will, it has been very challenging to settle her affairs, so I knew that I had to stop procrastinating on updating my own. FreeWill.com has guided me through doing this in a way that is easy, comprehensive and reassuring!"

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Observe, Understand, and Change


Safety and quality of care are at the center of everything we do. Our partner, Dr. Samina Zamindar in Bangalore, India, recently opened the doors of her private practice to welcome 11 colleagues from Seva partner institutes for a series of safety and quality initiatives.

This joint program, called Observe, Understand, and Change, educated hospital teams with practical skills to adopt standard operative procedures to improve quality at a grassroots level, avoid medical errors, and make incident reporting a regular standard in medical settings. Two days of intensive group discussions were followed by three days of observation in their area of interest.

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What's That Seva Stuff!?


Well, let's find out!

If you've ever wondered about our vibrant history, the people, ideas and solutions that make the magic of restoring sight possible, and all those untold "Seva stories" you heard through the grapevine – look no further! We dug through 40+ years of rich Seva archives, asked our teams around the world, and are here to give you that exclusive, behind-the-scenes look.

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What is the True Economic And Social Cost of Blindness in India?


We conducted a study to find out.

Our recently-published report, entitled ‘The Economic and Social Cost of Blindness in India,' uncovers the cost of vision impairment and the significant need for sustainable eye care. It also shares the solutions we are pioneering in this country. The key takeaway was that India is home to approximately 34 million people who live with blindness or moderate/severe vision impairment, costing the country US $54.4 billion each year.

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A Week of the Life of Seva's Nepal Program Director


Travel to Humla, a remote Himalayan district in Nepal, is an uphill and challenging journey. There are no surface roads for traveling, many people rely on government-supported food subsidies, and very few health facilities exist – including eye care. But where there's a need for sight, we will arrive! Seva Country Director Ram Prasad Kandel and his team recently visited to conduct two surgical camps and establish a new Vision Center in the area. Over the course of one week, Seva and partners examined 850 patients and provided surgery to 114 people. The new Vision Center, established in Namkha, creates immediate access to eye care for this remote community.

Ram Prasad Kandel kept track of the entire week in his journal – the ups, downs, and victories – and wanted to share his entries with you.

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