Seva News

Constituent Development Coordinator at Seva


Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Claire McCabe, and I've had the privilege of working at Seva for the past year and a half on the wonderful fundraising team. This season, I'm thrilled to be managing our Gifts of Sight program! For the uninitiated, Gifts of Sight is Seva's alternative gift giving program.

What are alternative gifts?

Instead of giving material items for the holidays, you can honor loved ones by giving gifts that really matter—like sponsoring sight-restoring surgery for a person who is blind, or providing eye care for women and girls (who are often overlooked for receiving services compared to men and boys in regions with limited resources).

What's the next step?

Take a look at the Gifts of Sight catalog (it's available in print and online at and select gifts to honor your friends, family, and business associates. For each gift, Seva will send a beautiful card to honor the special people in your life. Each card contains a description of what the gift will achieve and space for your personal message from you. We can also send eCards on your behalf.

Call us at the office at 800-223-7382, or do the entire process online — it's quick and easy! And don't forget to follow @sevafoundation and #GiftsofSight on our social channels!

From my experience working in past Gifts of Sight seasons, people have given meaningful gifts to their entire offices, honored a friend who passed away, or even taken care of their entire holiday shopping at! This is a fantastic opportunity to change several people's lives forever—both the recipient of the alternative gift and the person who regains their vision.

Have a wonderful Fall and let's connect over the holidays or anytime this upcoming year! Claire.

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Seva Foundation 1786 Fifth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 phone: 510-845-7382 fax: 510-809-3364
Seva Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. © 2024 Seva Foundation. All rights reserved.