

Seva Calls for New Tech Ideas in Vision Care

On February 24, Seva announced a broad, ambitious call for ideas to identify innovative technology-based solutions to improve eye care delivery. Seva has committed up to $50,000 to five different recipients each, for a total of $250,000, to spark bold new innovations in technology to help people see.

The call for ideas is open to all hospitals that are currently an active part of Seva’s Global Sight Initiative. The Global Sight Initiative, a network of more than 100 hospitals around the world, collaborates to accelerate the development of high quality, high volume, sustainable eye care services through innovation, training, mentoring, research, and advocacy.

Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment, and of these, at least 1 billion people have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. A recent study in the Lancet Global Health projected a three-fold increase in global blindness by 2050. Reversing this trend will require innovation and identifying creative uses of technology to multiply our effectiveness in providing eye care to people who need these services.

Seva will announce its award winners later in 2020. We look forward to reading all the new ideas and seeing how these new innovations will change the world for decades to come.

See the full press release at

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